Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hacked By Team Pocong

lagi dan lagi banyak situs indonesia terkena deface oleh salah satu team cyber yang mengatas namakan namanya yaitu TEAM POCONG

ya benar siapa yang tidak kenal team ini, dengan nama seram dan ulahnya pun menyeramkan, belum lama ini team pocong ini telah banyak meretas website ternama di indonesia salah satunya adalah website stasuiun televisi swasta ternama (SCTV), website PLN bahkan okezone pun menjadi bidikan mereka dan masih banyak lagi website website ternama yang telah menjadi bidikan mereka

belum lama ini saya melihat di page facebook dan forum resmi team ini baru berjuamlah kurang lebih 10 orang setelah mereka mendeface beberapa website ternama di indonesia lalu namanya pun kian mencuat

dan kini page, group, twitter dan forumnya pun mendadak rame setelah mereka menjebol website website ternama tersebut

siapakah mereka..???

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Selamat Ulang Tahun

Hari ini, hari yang kau tungguBertambah satu tahun, usiamu,Bahagialah slalu

Yang kuberi, bukan jam dan cincinBukan seikat bunga, atau puisi,Juga kalung hati

Maaf, bukannya pelit,Atau nggak mau bermodal dikitYang ingin aku, beri padamuDo'a s'tulus hati

mungkin hanya itu yang bisa saya ucapkan untuk admin Cisadane Code yang telah berulang tahun yang ke 22, dan maaf banget bukannya pelit atau gak mau modal dikit untuk membeli sesuatu untuk beliau, dan saya hanya bisa memberi do'a yang setulus hati untuk beliau
sekali lagi selamat ulang tahun untuk sahabat dan sekaligus admin Cisadane Code, mudah-mudahan dia semakin update dan bisa terus berbagi ilmu untuk kita semua :D

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Java exploit sells for $5000 on Black market

We continues to recommend users disable the Java program in their Web browsers, because it remains vulnerable to attacks that could result in identity theft and other cyber crimes and less than 24 hours after Oracle Sunday released a security update that addresses two critical zero-day vulnerabilities in Java that are being actively exploited by attackers, an online vulnerability seller began

The use of passwords in a technological evolution

Every day we read about an incredible number of successful attacks and data breaches that exploited leak of authentication mechanisms practically in every sector. Often also critical control system are exposed on line protected only by a weak password, in many cases the default one of factory settings, wrong behavior related to the human component and absence of input validation makes many

Malware Infects US Power Plants through USB Drives

The US Department of Homeland Security�s Cyber Emergency Response Team has released a report, which stated that two American electrical power plants were compromised late last year and has identified a number of glaring electronic vulnerabilities.

Some unknown malware infected two power plants control systems using unprotected USB drives as an attack vector. The tainted USB drive came in

Cisco Linksys routers vulnerable to remote zero-day exploit

A zero-day vulnerability has been discovered in popular Cisco Linksys routers that allows hackers to gain remote root access. Security vendor DefenseCode discovered the flaw and reported it to Cisco months ago and a fix is already on the way.

According to Cisco, more than 70 million Linksys routers sold globally. This exploit was successfully tested against a Linksys model WRT54GL router

Oracle Patches Java Zero Day Vulnerability

Oracle delivered an unusual emergency patch to Java's critical Zero Day vulnerability on Sunday to fix a malicious bug that allowed hackers access to users web browsers. Exploits for the previously undisclosed flaw were being hosted in a number of exploit kits and attacks have already been seen in the wild dropping ransomware and assorted other malware.

Security Alert CVE-2013-0422 include

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Operation Red October : Cyber Espionage campaign against many Governments

A new sensational discovered has been announced by Kaspersky Lab�s Global Research & Analysis Team result of an investigation after several attacks hit computer networks of various international diplomatic service agencies.

A new large scale cyber-espionage operation has been discovered, named Red October, name inspired by famous novel The Hunt For The Red October (ROCRA) and chosen because

Monday, January 14, 2013

RIP Aaron Swartz, A legendary Internet Activist

Aaron Swartz has committed suicide on January 11, 2013 in New York City.

I have long been fought if you write something about this extraordinary boy, but not dedicate a tribute would be a shame. Aaron Swartz has decided to leave a huge void in the IT scenario.

For me, as the entire world he is a legend, a guy that has profoundly changed our daily work.

Aaron Swartz is an eclectic